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Sweet Watter.
A bushell of Damast roses. 4 handfull of lauender tops. 2.
handfulls of sweet mariarum. 3 handfulls of sweet basill. one of
bay leaues broken. half a handfull of rosemary tops. a few
wallnut leaues: then take. 2 ounces of bengamin one of storax
one of Lobdanum half an ounce of Callemus as much Ciprus:
2 ounces of damask pouder: all these brused. & steepe them
in 4 quarts of clear candit water. stir them about &
lett them stand all night close couered in an earthen pot
& stoped so as the sent may not get out. disstill itt the next
day with a uery soft fier if it stand aboue 2 days it
will sower. when it is distilled strayn it through a pecee of
old lawen. & couer the glases with paper till the fier be out
then hange a little muske in arage a rag in the mouth of each glas
but so as not to touch the water couer itt uery close &
it will keepe 2 or 3 year.

An excilint Palsie Water for the head &
weaknes of the Sinnews
Take of lauender flowers clean picked as many as will
fill a glasse of a gallon. pouer on itt good spirit of wine
untill it be full. then set them in a warme place six weekes
take the flowers of Sage Rosemary Bittony of each a
handfull. the flowers of Borage bugelos Lilly conualy cowslips
of each 2 handfulls. steep them also in good spirit of wine
six weekes. take balme. Spiknard. bay=leaues. of each one ounce
cutthese hearbes & put them allso in tospirit of wine
take citron pill. Lemon pill. piony seeds. of each six drachmes
Cinamon half an ounce; mace Cardamoms cubibs yelow=
sanders powdered of each half an ounce. lignum alloes one
drachme. put these in to the aforesaid spirits & add to them:
distill them in a limbeck deuiding it into seuerall glasses
untill the uertiue be out. : put into this liquor of prepared
pearle 2 drachmes one scruple of ambergreece. musk.
& safron half a scruple of dried =red roses half a scruple of
yelow & red saunders beaten small of each an ounce. put these
in a fine sarsnet bag and steep them in the water after
itt is stilled. +

The Virtues of this Water
itt is good for any swoonding fitts weaknes of the harte
decay of spirits: in all apoplexis palsies : and all pains of the
ioyntes coming of colde : itt is good for all bruses outwardly
bathed with itt: itt restores lost appetite : strengthens the
memory. taketh away the giddynes of the head. & helpeth
the hearing. & restores lost speeche.
you must take a quarter of a spoonfull morning & euening
the best way is to dipe crumes of white bread in it & so
eate them.