139 verso – 140 recto

Mr. Leigh liud with Mr. Wheatly
in Banburie some time, there hee
wrote his Critica Sacra. hee liued
in the great house neer the gate:
hee observs of Mr. Wheatly
hee was neuer heard to vse
greek or Latine in his Sermons
or hebrew except. that. Lam. 5. 16
'Oi ná lánu chi chattanu:
One says of Homer that. hee was παν
σοφος, νοί παντα ανθρωπια επί=
Abulensis saies that. Solomon
had wisdome giuen him by
god aboue Adam in innocence:
which. sure is uery hardly true:
Elymas the Sorcerer had præsump=
tuously assumed the name of Bar-
Iesus the sonne of Iesus:
pareus hath reckoned vp
pauls travails to bee aboue
700 German miles:
Remember to read Bucolcerus &
Calvisius and petauius and some
other Chronologers who write
both historie and Chronologie:
Iudas Repented and hangd
himself said a certaine fro=
lick parson to his parishi=
oners, but you will bee
hangd ere you will repent:
Only let our fire of Zeal for god
burne cheerily, without the smoke of
hell ends and private revenge:


In the 56. ch. of Ieremiah. from
the 1st. to the 7th. v. there is the right
keeping of the Sabbath and the bless=
ing vppon itt: that. is a joufulnes of
heart in duties arising from gods
The diuel is calld Beal=
zebub the god of flies in
regard his temptations are
still bussing about our ears
Olibanum is an excellent thing
for the head roasted in an apple
one Dr. Ballard vses itt much:
remember to vse itt:
Linacer I have heard hath
translated some peices
of Galen: Mr. Trapp told
mee hee hath them:
X I have heard that. Mr. Shakespeare
was a natural wit without any
art att all. hee frequented the
plays all his younger time, but
in his elder days liud att Strat
ford: and supplied the stage with
2 plays euery year and for that.
had an allowance so large that.
hee spent att the Rate of a 1000li
a yeer as I have heard:
Remember. to peruse Shake-
spears plays and bee versd
in them. that. I may not bee ig=
norant in that. matter: