recto (letter)

My best beloued cosin.
I am very glad to here from you, that you
ar well, and I would haue you thinke
that it tis one of the greates comfordes I
haue in this world to here of your well
farer; I am very sory to here that your
father is still in that humer of offering you
more wifes; but as for this; shee hathe a greate
porshone; wich I thinke if I hade; hee would
not so much misslke of mee as hee dothe; and
besides shee is honorabell wich dothe goe fare
with most men nowe daves; but I protest I
writ not this out of any mistrust I haue
of your loue; for I haue euer found it more then
I haue desserued;-yett I know not what shall
deserue; and thus with my best wishes; for your
good fortune; and happnes in all your bussines
I rest euer -
the xiiii of
your truly louing
frende while I breath
Jane Skipwith
my sisters loue
may not bee for
gotten to you; lett mee here
you as soune as you can