X.c.61 (119), 1 recto

9/1 X.c.61 (119)
Blakstoune the xxth of Septembr 1674
Loving brother I have verrie often disyred your uncle Milvehall
to ask your sister uhither she uould restore my bonds or not, if I can
obtain no disyre from her, I intreat ye may doo me the favore to call
for ane sight of some bonds that are amongst the rest, granted to me
by Iames Arbuthnot of blakstoune, and take ane accompt of the
soumes of mone contained in them upon peaper uith the daite of eache
bond by it selfe, upon my uord I know not uhat the soumes are, nor att
uhat time I did receive them, & he & I being this ueike to close our
accompts I am resolved except my bonds be retired or ane extract
of them by your selfe, never to demand ane groat of them since I have
nothing to instruct my debt but bear alegiance, it uas not my intentione
(uhen that Lady uas pleased to seperat her selfe from me, to have kept
such ane distance uith her, unlesse till I found my name to be odious yea
most ridiculous to her, which those ignominious calumnies nou publickly
knoune to all,) doeth uell testifie, but I uish the Lord almightie forgive her
and so doo I, and I appeal to her conscience hou many abused singular testimo=
nies of my respect uithin these ten years hath she received; and uith uhat
horrid crueltie and disdaine she still reuarded me, uhich att last
did bring me almost to nought, as for her present carriage (Authorize
her uho uill,) she hath given her reputatione ane indelable staine, & shou
her from me that it uere much more incummbent for her to x xbe keiping home
cloathed in sackloth & ashes, bevailing the lamentable judgments that are
upon our miserable families then Dinalyk to be gading abrod to
mercats contracting unnecessarie bourdings but uhat prejudice she
can doo me in my estate lett her doe it since it is come this lenth
I shall assist in the spending to the full; and ere it be long I
shall be where I shall x x not be much troubled uith the shame of it (as I am att present,
she uould not send me so many of my bed hingings as cover her poore infants
nakednesse, nor so many of ther bak clothes as cover them from the cold
but all doe I undervalou for god uill provide for them, if your affairs can
permitt I disyre ye uill doe me the favore to come the lenth of patt
crockat x x in Alyt on moonday that I may imparte a littel affaire to you and you shall
be uaited on by Sir, your affecionatt brother and faithfull servant
Io: Ogilvey