f. 84 verso-85 recto

Strange Accidentes
To cut off the nose & eares of a man
at one blow with a quarter staff.
A mad man is as stronge .. as two. A tinker with a Kettle on his head.
Because he is a man besides himselfe.
To catch a woodcock a fox & a salmon
in the same net. The ffox came from the
seaside, with the salmon
in his mouth.
Woll is soe warme
Because it is all double.
Cheese eating, keepes Theeves from the house.
Ould age from a man.
Dogges from the fire.

See him walke heare him talke
See him feed heare him rea....
See his face know his r..d.

An ould man {Sees more.
{Takes more paines
{Weighs heavier.
The gentle mind, by gentle deeds, is
And gentle bloud, by gentle manners
Rules for a Carver {Obserue order.
{Carue faire:
{Keep a good peice
{for thy selfe.
ffor a Travailer
must keepe {his thoughts close
his countenance loose.
Ould fish.
young flesh


Strange Reportes
Mr Wilcox of Horton in Northamptonshire
had (as he saith) of one Barly Corne set alone
by it selfe in his garden 224 Eares.
whereof the greatest part had 20, & some
30. graines in each Eare.
Sargeant Harvy reported that in Dunstable
a Market Towne, there is neither hay
nor butter made within the Parish.
Mr More Schoolemaister of Thurloe , saith, that
this verse Mos, flos, Ros et Tros, Mus, dens
mons, Pons, simul et ffons, Is to be varied
twenty thowsand times.
In the west about Lemstar there was a Morris
of tenn men & a maid marrion whose ages
together made i3 hundred yeares.
In Kent, A Knight his Lady & 2 Children
all theire ages together, made but 3i yeares.
Mrs Honiwood of Kent had i3 score & odd that
came out of her loynes, & did aske her blessinge.