99 verso – 100 recto

putt a glasse of wine in and some
Lint, and so let itt alone, till the
next day, then. they opened itt againe
and injected myrrhe, Aloes, and
such things as Resisted putrefaction,
and so bound itt vp againe:
Euery time they dresst. itt they cut
of something of the Cancer that. was
left behind; the Chirurgions mete
for applying a Caustick, but Doctor
Needham said no not till the last;
since shee could indure the knife:
They præpard her body somewhat &
let her blood the day before;
shee indured itt with infinite pa=
tience all along, not offring to lay
her hand vppon itt to ease itt but
a warme cloth to the other breast
all the time:
One of the Chirurgions told her af=
terwards that. shee had indured so much
that. hee would haue lost his life ere
hee would haue sufferd the like:
and the Dr. said hee had read that.
women would indure more then.
men, but did not beleeue itt
till then.
The way how and when itt should
bee cut was markt out with
Ink by one Dr. Edwards
who livs


att Bridgnorth; Mr. Townsend likt
him uery well; hee said if they could
preuent a Gangrene there was litle
fear but itt might bee a Cure, if shee
fell not into a feavour:
Merc. d. is an excellent thing
much vsd by Dr. Wagstaffe re=
member to vse itt much; hee
sometimes puts itt into aggregative
pills, and neuer givs aboue 25
grains. seldome aboue a scruple:
Epileptick fits allmost cured by Chew=
ing of Tobacco:
Remember. to send to London ^for B.
Vshers treatise about the septua=
Many presbyters will admit of Bishops
higher in degree but not in order then.
Remember. to studie hernia's: Mr.
Trap had a hernia Carnosa allmost
as bigg as a hat Crowne for many
Raphelingius married plantines daug=
hter and theref. took vp the presse when
hee died:
Remember. to send to London for Ro=
bert Stephens his hebrew Bible
which. (I hear) is better then. plantines: