folio 52 verso – folio 54 recto

Ielly of Pippins, or Iohn Apples
Slice yourApples Apples thin, and putt as much Water to them, as will Cover them, you
not paire them Boyle them very fast and when the Lyquor is strong boyled
Straine it, and to every Pint of it, putt a pound of fine beaten Sugar, and
stir it in, one the fire, till it just boyle, then take it of, and putt to it as much
Iuice of Lemon as will make it sharpe, then slice in some preserved Orange
Pill in long thin slices, as you like, putt it into Glasses, and sett it in a warme
Stove till it is as stiffe, as you would have it
That of Iohn Apples is best for tast and Coulour
Almond Iumballs
Take a pound of Blanched Almonds, and beate them small in a Morter, putt
in a little Orange fflower, or Rose Water, to keep them from oyling, dry them against
the fire, till they Crumble like bread, then boyle as much Sugar to a pritty thick
Syrrup as will make it up like Balls. keep it by you, to make Iumballs when you
please, halfe a pound will make a great many, put halfe a pound of the Balls in
a Morter, with three quarters of a pound of Sugar sifted and as put as many
whites of Eggs as will make it so stiffe as not to runn out. when it shall be spouted
a Syringe, for that purpose if you have not that Instrument you may lay them one
Paper or in what figure you please. but the Sugar almonds and Eggs must be well
beaten togeather. If it should not tast Enough of Orange fflower Water you
may put in more as you beat it, sett them in an Oven as hot as for Byskett
March Paines
Take a pound of Almonds, and a pound of Sugar, beate them with a little Orange
fflower Water, or Rose Water, put in your Sugar
a little grated
Lemon Pill, (if you like it) mould it and make it into round Cakes, about
halfe an Ince thick, sett them in a Stove to dry, then boyle some Sugar
and Water to a Syrrup and wash with one side of your Cakes and dry them before
the fire, then wash the other side, and keep them for your vse,
Blanch a pound of Almonds in cold water, and dry them well in a Cloath then
whisk upp the whites of Six Eggs to a froth with a little Rose or Orange Water
mixt with the scum of the ffroth as it riseth, into an other Pann, then take
the pound of Almonds with a pound of Double refined Sugar beaten and sifted, put
the Almonds, some of the Sugar and halfe of the ffroth of the Eggs into a Stone Morter
and beate them well togeather, then add the rest of the ffroth and Sugar and
continue beating till the Almonds are very small, but thinned with too much froth
because the fire will thinn them, then sett them over fire in a Skillett till
they are scalding hott and then, dropp them one your Wafers, and bake them in
an Oven not to hott afterwards Clip of the Wafers round about them, and keep
them for your vse, but not in two hott a place./
To make Biskett
Take six Eggs and whisk the whites by them selves and beate the yolks by them
selves then take a pound of fine sifted Sugar and three quarters of a pound of
fflower with the Rinds of two Lemons grated putt them into the Eggs, and beate
them for halfe and hour then dropp them one paper and bake them.
To make Iumballs of the same materialls
Take according as you did for your Bisketts, and make it stiffe enough with
fflower an Sugar, then role them in long things with your hands, and lay
them on plates, in Roles, the past must be as limber as you can well worke
it, and the plates must be buttered,
A Water for Sore Eyes
Take a Pint of Canary, and a penny worth of Alloes finely poudered two
pennyworth of powder of Tutty a bitt of Camphire as bigg as a Nutmegg
bruised put all these in a peice of Tiffany in the Bottle and Shake itt three or
fower times a day for a Week, and drop the cleare afterwards into the sore Eye