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X.c.49 (2)
I haue sint you your Cassacke and Canves doublet. Your
Taylor and I considered that canves was only fit for
summer, and therfore haue buttoned it according to the
fashion now in request, it is not only sutable to your
scarlet hose but will agree as well with any other
cloath hose you haue. Canves doublets are now
much in request and they are all made plaine or
trimmed with white lace as this is, for it is accompted
somewhat pibald to trim a white doublet with trimming
of different colour. If I could haue contrived it soe as

to haue made this canves doublet fit to haue beene
worne vnder a Cassacke I had done it: but it is nota winter weare and therfore I shall put you to the
charges of a new satten doublet against Winter.
I haue sent you a paire of spanish leather bootes in
exchaung of your russet bootes, and haue ex
alsoe your 2. paire of shoes for one. You shall receaue
likewise 2 paire of welted bootehose which I thinke without
comparison are the finest and longest for tops ^in London I caused
them to be made with long tops bycause I knowe that
you haue a good leg, and know alsoe that good legs
weare very short hose. I saw a new fashioned hanger
for you this morning but it was not so good as I
thought you deserved and therfore
turned it vpon
him againe, and if he keepe his promise with mee I
shall haue a better within this two daies, with which
I will send your ruffe. I will not trouble you with
many termes of friendship at this time only I will
assure you that none respects you more then
Your poore servant
Stephen: Smithe
Lincolnes Inne
14 Iune. 1620
My old bedfellowe Mr George
Mathew desired me to present
his service vnto. both he and I
must trouble you to present our
respects to
your lady