
Z.c.22 (1)
border: colored vines, flowers, and strawberries.
center top: arms of Elizabeth I
top left corner: arms of Edward Lyster with motto: Moderata diuturna sunt. 1637. EL.
To all and singuler to whome theis presentes shall come to be seene read or heard William
Camden Esquier als Clarencieux principall herauld and king of Armes of the East, west
and South partes of England from the riuer of Trent Southwardes: Sendeth due comendations in our lord
god euerlasting. fforasmuch as ancientlye from the beginning and not without great deliberation, equitie,
and reason, it was ordeyned that men of wisdome, learning, knowledge, vertuous lyfe, and noble courage, and such
as for their integritie and discretion are elected and made magistrates in their natyve cuntrey and common wealth
haue byn worthely commended to the world by sundry monumentes and remembraunces of their good desertes:
Amongst which the cheifest and most vsuall hath byn the beareing of Signes in Sheildes called Armes, which are
the demonstrations of the aboue named vertues diuerslye distributed according to the qualities and desertes of
the persons mereting the same. And forasmuch as Edward Lyster Esquier doctor of Phisick at this
present dwelling in London, is descended of antient famely whose ancestors haue long tyme contynued in vertue
and bearing of Armes, and yet not willing to preiudice any of his bloud or Surname: hath required me
the said Clarencieux king of Armes to ratefie and confirme vnto him his ancient Armes with such
congruent difference, as may seeme convenient: Vnto whome at his gentle request I haue ratefied and confirmed
theis Armes following, That is to say, The feild Ermyn, on a fess cotised Sable: three
mulletts or; And for his Creast or Cognizaunce, on a wreath Argent and Sable, A Buckes
head proper, Erased and attired gold mantled sable dowbled Argent. As more
plainly appeareth depicted in the margent. Which Armes and Creast with euery part and parcell thereof I
the said king of Armes by power and authoritie vnder the great Seale of England vnto my Office attributed and adnexed doe by theis
presentes allow, ratefie, and confirme vnto the said Edward Lyster Esquire, And to Brian, William, Richard, and
Ioseph his bretheren, being sonnes vnto William Lyster of Wakefeild gentleman: and of Edith Dighton his wief, and to his or their posteri=
tie with their due differences. And he or they the same to vse, beare, or shew fourth in Sheild , Coate Armes or otherwise (according to the
ancient lawes of Armes) at his or their libertye and pleasure for euermore without any contradiction or controulment of any manner of
person or persons whatsoeuer. In Witnes whereof I the said king of Armes haue thereunto sett my hand and Seale of Office the
Twentyth day of Aprill Anno 1602. And in the fower and ffortyth yeare of the raigne of our Soueraigne ladye Elizabeth by the
grace of god Quene of England ffraunce and Ireland defendor of the ffaith &c
William Camden Clarenceux
Kinge of Armes
The formula is "attributed and annexed" but not written so here.