folio 31 verso – folio 32 recto

To make Mrs Masshams Cake
Take ten pound of flower well dryed, An ounce of Nutmeggs
Grated mix them together, nine pound & a halfe of Currance
one pound of Raisins stoned & sliced set the flower & the fruite
to the fier to dry, mix with your flower one pound of sugar beaten
& searced one quart of Creame boyled, put to It three pound of
Butter & lett it melt in your Creame & keepe It with with stirring till you
put It in, Take the youlkes of Twenty three Eggs & the whites of
Eight, when they are will beaten put to them three pintes of
yeast strained & a quarter of a pinte of sack & a little Rose
Water then mix your Creame and butter att one End of the
Troafe & your yeast att the other, & when they are well mixed
sett it to the fier halfe and houer to rise, then put in the
fruite & mixed it In, then flower well your paper & put It in
the Hoope & soe Bake it, & then Ice it thus, Beate the whites of
three Eggs to a froath & put to It three or fouer Spoonfulls of
Rose water & as much double Refined sugar beaten & searced as
will make it thick, It must be beatten an houer before It will be
enough, when your cake is Iced you must put it Into the oven to
dry, you May if you please put Milk into your Ice.
To Make little plumm Cakes
Take a pound & a halfe of fine flower dried very well, And
a pound & a halfe of Currance, three quarters of a pound of
sweet butter, & breake it In the flower very well, & grate A
peice of nutmegg in It, & three quartere of a pound of Sugar
beaten , & searced, two or three Spoonfulls of Rose water & six
or seaven Spoonfulls of Creame, breake two Eggs into the flower,
& Knead it together, & Roule it Into thin Cakes, this quantity will
make two dozen, If the oven be hott It will bake them In halfe
an houer
To make Carraway Bunns
Take two pound of fine flower, & three quarters of a pound
of fresh butter crumble the butter very small in the flower wett
It with Milk bloud warme, & Good Ale yeast halfe a pinte
att least, Two Eggs well beaten, when It is Made into a paste,
lett It stand halfe an hower to rise before the fier, then take it
& Spread it abroade worke halfe a pound of Carraway Comfitts
in it, & cast in a little white sugar Make them vp into Bunns
Lay them vpon paper, & Bake them quick when they are hard
Att bottome then they are Enough
Clear Cakes of Rasberryes with seedes in them if you will
Put them before they are ^ too ripe into a ^ deep pot, & set the pot in boylin
water to drane of a liquor, & as fast as it comes pour it out that it
be not black , then to a pint of this liquor put half a pint of
Goosberry water, strong of the Goosberryes, let it stand & settle
& take only the clear f. your. vse, then put in a pound & half of
sugar finely beaten, set over the fire till it is scalding, then
pour them into 4 clear cake glasses, & dry them in your stove not
too hot
Clear Cakes of Currants
Strip the Currants & put them in a pot, set them into H

constant boyling Water to draw of the A liquor, to a pint of that
take a pound of double refined ^ loaf Sugar, finely beaten &
put into the liquor, set it over the fire & stirr it till it is
Scalding hot, take care it do not boyle, then put it into
clear cake glasses, & put into your. stove &.