123 verso – 124 recto

In an hyparcatharsis giue a
glyster of milk and philonium
Romanum. many Clysters:
or Rx diascordium, cons. Lujulæ
and a little diacodium or
a graine of Laudanum:
Schroder talks of an oil of
flints a salt of flints, and a li=
quor as Cremor silicum see p.
and of Talcum hee mentions
an oil a Tincture a Liquor; and
the like: but itt seems scarce pro=
bable to mee:
There are seueral degrees of heat
in distillation as Schroder saies,
1. Balneum Roris, or Vaporis which.
is meerly made by a vapor. from ano=
ther bodie, Mariæ is next by in=
terposition of water: in ashes is
the next degree of heat, in sand
the next; igne aperto the next
to that, Igne Circulatorio next
that, then igne reuerberatorio, igne
se Grana sunt semina minu=
tiora, vt piperis, hordei sam=
buci et similium. Schroderus:


when one is costiue or hath
vsed to bee so, doe but chew To-
bacco, and itt will certainly giue them
a stoole. so Mr. Burnet told mee:
hee was so to my knowledg a long
Olea Resinæ Gummata respondent
pinguedini et axungiæ in Zoo=
Carbo petræ is our pit quarrie-
Coal, of which. Schroder. saies thus; de
vsu eius Medico, nihil adhuc qod
addam habeo, nullus tamen dubito
quin oleum inde elici possit ad
maturanda vlciera emolliendosque
tumores opttissimum:
Alii vocant Gagaten succinum
nigrum alii pissasphaltum:
The Lapis Contrayervæ is stronger.
en the Root, what is put into itt I
cannot tell vnles Bezoar: Schroder.
talks of a ʒi in a dose but ℈i is
as much as is euer giuen that I hear:
Remember. that I see condited Myra=
bolanes and Condited Nutmegs:
Muscus omnium optimus est quer
nus. in vomitu, diarrhea, dysenteri