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For A vein that is broken
Take mummy which is mans flesh which is to be pre
=pared by the Apothecaries & of them you may
have it, as much as will lye upon A 2 pence and mix
it with some Conserve of red roses the bigness of A
walnut and eat it fasting 2 or 3 mornings together &
if it light on the part where the vein is broken it will
cement it together again you may likewise take for
the same diasease prepared Corall and mix it as the
other and give it in the same manner.
A Drink or Gargarisine for sore throatsh
Take of the tops of brambles of red rose leaves plantine
leaves Colly bin leaves and boyle them together in 2 or
3 pints of warter and put into the warter 2 or 3 spoonfulls
of Comon barly in the husk then lett it consume till the one
half be left then strain it and put it to honey of roses
mulberries & some Syrop of violets till it have a pretty
relish so wash the mouth and throat with it & drink of it
also for a Iulip & if the pain increase lett the party blood
vnder the tongue or in the arme
For sore throat or Quinsies
Take Album Græcum powdred and sifted & mingle it
with honey & spread it on a peece of lether and lay it to the
throat & give the party a Glister made of these things
A pint of new milk & boyle it & when it boyleth up power
into it a pint of Ale then take the Curd of and put in these
herbs primrose leaves strawberry leaves mallowes Voilett
leaves pellitory of the wall Cowslyp leaves Sorrell & Cam=
=mamill of these as many as you can gett a few anniseeds &
fennell seeds boyle all these in the possett till half be
consumed then strain it & disolve in it 2 spoonfulls of honey
& 2 spoonfulls of syrop of violetts & so give it for a Glister
Take A strawberry warter for a Consumption or
heat in the Blood
Take a gallon of Strawberries ready pickt & put them into a pint
a pottle of new milk & bruse them well in it then put them presently
into a Still & Still them & lett these drop into a bottle vpon sugar also
& drink a quarter of a pint at a time