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Therein about ane hour, then take it out, & cool it, and
put in a very litle copras, and then put in your worset again
stiring it well about; Then synde it in old pisse, or clean wa=
=ter, as ye would have redish or sand colour.
Clow colour.
Clow colour is the same way litted, only give more
galls to each pound, and boile the galls & worset together,
till it be as deep a colour as ye would have it, then take
out your worset, and put in a good quantity of copras, and
so posse it hot in pisse.
Bright Scarlet.
Take a Troy's pound of yarn, and put it in two quarts
of lukewarme running water, after ye have dissolved 4 ounc=
=es of allum in the water, being put in a clean linnen
cloath while it is dissolving: so boile your yarne in the al=
=lum water above ane hour ere it turne yellowish. Then
take three pynts of lukewarme water, and put therein
4 drop of Aqua fortis, and two sharp drop of the fylings
of tinne (for 3 drop will serve a whole pound of bodey) &
13 drop of Christall of tartar, & as much of cusheniel.
Some also take to halfe a pound of alluming 3 chopines of
water, & other 3 chop. at the second water, with the tin,
& Aqua fortis, and again as much water, when they put
in the lits, and Aqua fortis.
Orange colour.
Your Oranges must be first allum'd, then dyed a gold=
yellow, and then to each pound of this yellow take six ounc=
=es of mader broken the night before amongst raw drink,
& wrought till it be like sowens; next day put on your ketle