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to make lossenges for the Piles aproued mrs Cole
Take an ounce of flower of Brimston
to 4 ounces of Duble Refined sugar & A
penyworth of Gum Arraback disolued in
orring flower or Rose watter; mix it up into
a past & cutt it in lossenges & eat 2 or 3 at
a time as occassion; this has cured those
whenthe physiceans had faild of succes

Mr Ioans Rare Receipt to make Ink
Take a pound of galls a pound of Coppris
& half a pound of Gum Arabick;
4 ounces of Allam an handfull of salt
one handfull of sugar, put all these
grosly pounded into a gallon of Rain
watter & lett it stand a week at least
but the longer you keep it the better it will
be only you must be carfull to stirr it often
or else a white scum will arrise which will
take away the strength & blacknes of the Ink;
according to which proportion of Ingradients
you may make a greater or lesser quantidy