page 68 – page 69

The Bag
The day before it is used infuse in 2 pound of white
wine upon warme imbers, dittany of Creet flowerd, dried
penyroyall maidenhair of each 2 dragmes sentery safron
brused half a dram, let them be shred & brused afte
a grose maner & put into a bag of red sarsnet
let it be taken morning & euening 4
ounces at a
time good waight the bag a little before being lightly
squesed with your finger,

The uses
A The Potion is for purging the wombe from all
hurtfull or superfillus humers which hinder conception
let her take 4 ounce of it att a time or a little
more 3 days to gether morning at 7. & euening at 5 a aclock
the fittest time is when those first apere, it must be
all drunk up in the 3 days
B the the day folowing let her take 7 of the pills marked
B. more or les a cording to her stringth let her
keep house that whole day, & abstain from eating
drinking or sleeping 5 hours after your taking them
The day folowing take the potion agane after
the same maner for 3 days but with out sauen
if the former was too powerfull otherwise the same
the 3 days ended take the 7 other pills ether les or
more according to the working of the former
C These 2 things being finished let her take twice a day
att 7 in the morning & 5 in the afternoon a much electuary
marked C as the bignes of a wallnut & drink upon it 3 or 4
spoonfulls of malago sack contenuing it till the whole be spent
D After this let her drinke of the wine marked D
without any distinction of the houre

the bag is added to be used the munth folowing if
those apere agane & not else
let her take heed to her self all the while these are
taking as much as may be to keepe from all perterbati=
=on of mind as anger sorow &c & from uiolent
motion of the body.