1 recto

X.d.81England Henry VIII
Henry Army by the grace of god king of England and of ffraunce and lord of Ireland/ To
almaner our iustices maires Shiriffes Bailliffes Constables and all other our officers ministres and
subgettes of what estate degre or condicion soeuer they be these our lettres hering or seing greting we
late you wite that we of our especiall grace for certain consideracions vs moeving haue by these
presentes licenced our truesty and welbiloued sir Thomas Tyrell knight from hensforth aswell to
shote in his Crosbowe from tyme to tyme at almaner markes dere game and fowles and in all
places within this our Reame at his libertie/ Almaner our fforrestes parkes and chaces oonly except as
also to kepe his said Crosbowe in his house and elleswhere at his pleasor/ without any maner
dommage penaltie forfaiture or losse susteignyng in that behalf/ Any act or statute heretofor
had or made to the contrary notwithstanding/ Wherefor we woll and commaunde you and euery
of you to permitt and suffre the said sir Thomas to vse and enioye the hoole effect of this
our licence without any your let distorbaunce or contradiccion/ as ye tender our pleasor and woll
advoyde the contrary yeven vnder our Signet at our Manor of Woodstoke the xxiiiith
day of Aprill the xth yere of our Reygne/