leaf 35 verso

A Medesin to Cwer Cabey shipe
Tacke Tobaco or Tobaco stackes of each
a quantyty & byle it in Chamberly sune
5 or 6 oweres then tack it of & strayne it
in to a Earthan or stone bottell & stope it
in Close with a Corke; then mack a hole in
your Cork & put in a quill & so shift the
shipes woll & put it in thorrowe the quills
& it will Cwer it: but it is best to tacke
aney such ship from their fellowes

To knowe the age of shipe you must
noate that the first year they sheed 1 toth
next year 2 teath & so 2 euery yeare till
a shipe is 4 yeares owld & then they ar
all full mouthes at 4 years owld: 4 brod teth
but yf a shipe be owlder & haue a
about 4 yeare owld are hield to be the
best to fatte & & to by them of from hayle
land. & whear they are not stoud EB

you maye knowe the age of a hors till
he is 7 years owld & noe Longer & then
the marke is quite out of his mouth

To keep your shipe hayle: about Mich:elmas: lett all your young
shipe bled at tayle: but yf they bled to muche nett their tayle
with a pack..d at night: giue young & owld bay sall
brimstone & sutte bede together eury one sponfull & after
that euery one spunfull of sige: doe it in the morning
& take heede of the signe: EB
sideways in the margin: 2 brood Teeth at 2 yeres auld