page 68 – page 69

68To boyle Henns
Take your hens & boyle them in a cloth then stew some oysters with
a little white wine mace & sweet hearbs then beat some 3 or 4
Eggs put in some nuttmeg white wine & melted butter, (butter will
keep it from curdling) then sett it on the fire & let it thicken
keep it stiring then beat some butter very well & put your
oysters & other things together & poure it on your hens; shreed
in some lemon pill shred some bakon in it garnish your dish
with oring & lemon pill & sarve it up hot let there be boyled
bakon with your hens:
sauce for scoth collups or other meat
Take a quarter of a pint of gravy as much white wine cloves
mace nuttmeg ginger anchouis a bunch of sweet hearbs a little
whole pepper lemon pill & a little onyon or Sharlot stew all these
together till one part is stewed a way then beat it up with
butter & thicken it with the yolk of an Egge; if you will you
may put in some Capers some sliced Coucombers & Horsradish
the same for scoth Collups Leaveing out the pickles & horsradis

a baked Pudding in a dish
Take a quart of creame & boyle it with whole mace nuttmeg & sinimon
& when it well boyled; take out the spices & let the Creame be Cold then
take a peney loafe & Cut it in thin slices & put it into the creame
& let it soake throuly untill the Creame will mix with the bread,
then take 10 yolks of Eggs beat them & put into your Cream & bread
& stire them well together then sweeten it with suger & rose water
then take a quarter of all of allmonds & beaten with rose water
then take half all, of melted butter & put into your puding &
mix it all together untill there be none of the butter seene then
butter well your dish put in your pudding; half an houre will
bake it then draw it & scrape suger on & sarve it up
To order Mushromes
Take mushrums pill them & wash them well in salt & water then
put ^ them in a pewter dish with a little water sume sweet hearbs an
onyon; some mace cloves & whole peper, let them stew betwixt
two dishes about half an houre: then put to them some strong
broth mixed with yolkes of Eggs & sarve it up;
To Preserve oringes
Take of the best Civill oringes lay them one night in water, then
pare them very thin & put them into faire water as you doe them set
on a pan or Iron pot, full of water, & when it is pritty hot put in
your oringes & cover them, close up & let them boyle very fast till
you think they are tender then take them up in a silver bason &
take duble weight of your oringes in refined suger, & put to it a pint
of water & let it melt then set it on the fire & let it boyle
a Little & skim it well then put in your oringes & let them boyle very fast
fast till you think they are enough take them up from the sirrup
& put them in piping Ielly which must me maid thus; pare your pipings
& slice them into hot water with a little suger in it & let them
boyle very fast & when you think all the goodness is boyled out, strean
it & take a pint of that & a pound of suger & boyle it up to
a gelly & glass up your oringes in this Ielley & they will turne oute
very finly;
To Candy Angelica
Take the stalkes in may & boyle them in water till the rind
will pill of that don & then make the syrrop with water & suger
& boyle them in it untill they be tender, let them lye in the
same syrup 2 or 3 dayes then take them out & pleit them &
boyle a fresh syrup to a Candy hight put in your stalks & take
them presently of the fire stiring them too & fro, then take them
forth & lay them on a pye plate one bye one & when they are
Cold dry them before a fire or in a warme oven:
To Pickle Barberries
Take the berries full ripe in the heat of the sun pick
the fairest & best of them & to the worst put as much
water as well Cover them & put as much bay salt ias
well make a pickle & Cover them ^ with vine leaves & lett
them boyl very well take theas out & bruise them & when
this pickle is Cold put the best Barberries into it.
Past for Custards in Crusts
To a pound of fine fflower putt 3 ounces of butter into watter
make it boyle work itt up to a stiff past & if you pleas you may add a little
fine suger to it for tarts put 3 pound of butter to 14 pound
of flower: