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Honorable Sir//
Your wisedom Knoweth its. but smale Loue that can be expresed in wordes,
wherfore I will not striue to Demonstrate my affection in Lines; only I Desiar
to shew my Thankfullnes; from whom I haue Receiued so many Fauoures; &
when I haue don my best, still I am further ofe from satisfijng my selfe, then
when I began; therfore of 2 evills I will Chuse the least, being confident you
will accept my good Intentions, & Pardon my imperfections herein
Good Sir, I had written to you long since, but that your cumming Downe was ex=
pected Dayly; being Desirous to heare how my Sonnes Master & you haue
Conclvded; And now haue I sent my Sonn (your Servant) to attend your
pleasure. My Sister Gawdy & my selfe would haue thought our selues
Happy if we might haue seen you here. Now least I should be to Troublesom
to you, I will becom your Beades=woman
my praiers, for your good Health,
a good wife, & Happy Content in all thinges, to Godes Glory & your Euerlasting
Comfort; Resting euer
Your very Louing & poor Aunt
Elizabeth Knyuett
From Claxton
this-3-of December//
Shall I Dare to becom a Shameless
Beggar; that when I go to London
after Christmas. I may Turne forth
a Gelding into som of your Pastures.//
Good Sir, in way of Discourse
Aduise my Sonn to follow his