folio 10 verso – folio 11 recto

*To make very good
blacke yncke
Take one pounde of galles and one pou

of gumm a pound of coperous and a gallo

of water beate them toge and then p

them into the water and put in with
a handfull of baye salte and sturr it
well from the botom of the vessell ev

daye let your water fyrst stand in
thinge vntill it stincke before yow
in your stuffe and if you will haue y

yncke shine put somm sugarcandy into

[To make]
water Imperiall
Take a galon of good gascoyne wyne. then take ginger
Galingale. Synamon. Nutmegges. Graynes. Cloves. Anyseed
ffenell seedes and Carawayes of eche of them a dramme
Then take. Sage. Redde myntes. Redde Roses. Tyme. Wilde
Tyme. Pellytorye. rosemarye. Camomyll. and Lavender of
eache of them one handfull. then braye the spices small
And pull the herbes small with your handes. And put all into the
wyne togither. And let yt stand so the space of xij hewers
together or longer sterringe yt diuerse tymes. then still
yt by Limbecke. And keepe the first water by yt selfe
for yt is the beste. the seconde ys good but not soe good
as the ffirste ys.
The waters vertew ys this. *yt comforteth the
spirites vitalles. and helpeth inward diseases that
comme of colde. *And ys medicinalle againste the shaking
of the palsey. *Yt cureth the Contraccion of sinewes
*and helpeth the Concepcion of women that be
barrayne. *Yt killeth the wormes within the bodye
*Yt cureth the colde coughe. *Yt killeth the akinge of
the teeth. *And comforteth the stomake verye muche
*And cureth olde dropseys *yt helpeth the stone
in the Bladder and in the Raynes of the backe
*Yt helpeth shortelie a stinkinge breathe *And who so
vseth this water and not to often yt preservethe
him in good likinge and maketh him to seeme
younge verye Longe.
Ye maye still ij galons at one tyme addinge
thereto the quantytie of the spices and herbes.