page 94

pared coared & cut in halues or quarters with good
store of suger a little sliced oring or lemmon pill
and some bitts of butter sprinkle on a little musked
rose water put in a little Ambergreece here and
there a peice of preserued pippin or make it all
of preserued pippin or elce chopt apples currants
beaten cinamon & good store of sugar then close
and bake it strew on suger Let it soake longer
then ordinary or they will be hard If you will
you may stew your apples first between 2 dishes
the lesser baking will serue.
Taffity Tartes
melt as much butter and water as will wet the=
flower and make your paste as good as you can with
butter if you will put in an egge all the yelke &
some of the white Let your flower be searsed=
finely then take your paste Role it out very thin
then take of the best pippins pare & core them
whole & cut them into round slices then lay a lare
of them on your paste & strew on double refined=
suger finely beaten & a little lemmon pill finely
minced so lay a layer of apples suger & lemmon
pill & then an other, three rowes are thick enough
put in a little peice of sweet butter make them vp
in pasties like halfe a sheet of white paper Iagg them
Round with a jagging Iron serue them cold or hot with suger
scraped on them If you will lay but one laire of very
thin slices & put in nothing elce but suger.