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it into your bag and do so 3 or 4 times then
run it into glasses.
pointing finger The first runing is good for women that have
hard labours, give her to drinke a pretty
wine glasse full of it, it will cause speedy birth
of the Child. and if you have any Irish slate
scrape as much of it fine as will ly on a groat
and mixe withe water all of it will expell wind
and Ease a cloged stomach, exeeding good for the
wind Colliq
The Lady Broomfeilds Cordiall water.
Take one pound of aqua vite, rosemary flowrs
sage flowrs, Cowslip flowrs of Each on handfull
a little sweet marjorum, a little balme a little
pellitory; a little bittony halfe an ounce of Cy-
namon brused, one nutmeg sliced, one dram
of fennel, one dram of Coriander seed one
dram of Juniper berries bruised, one rase
of green ginger sliced, 3 quarters of a pond
of sugar, steep all theses in your aqua vite
about three weeks and run it throw an Hypo
cras bag.
A Most Excelent water of the
Lady Gormans , aganst plague
Small pox, megrome & distrem
ys in Head and Stomach. ?
Take Rosemary, wood sorrell, Pimpernall of each
one pound, turmintile, dragon vervaine,
page break
sweet marjorum romaine wormwood, penny roy
all, dandeion, sage, fether few, Angelica, Car-
dus benidictus, balme burnet, mother of time, Cordia
Cellendine, costmary, centrey goltes rue, marygold
flowrs, pansy flowrs, Cowslip flowrs, rue. rose
solis, mugwort scabions & grimony of Each of
these herbs and flowrs halfe a pound, take Ang
elica roots, gentian roots, tormentile roots, and zed
ery roots, yallow dock roots, And Licorish of
each of these four ounces, Take Cardiman seed
Caraway seeds, sweet fennel seed, anniseed of each
of these two ounces, wipe all the herbs clean but
doe not wash them shred your herbs and pare
your roots and slice them, bruise the seeds and put
them all in an Earthen pott, and put as much of the
best Canary wine as will cover them, stop the pot
close & set it in a cool place for 5 or 6 dayes,
stir them well twice every day; distill as much
of them at atime as your still will containe keep
the rest close covered and stird as before, lute
up your still with paist ad distill it with a mode
rate fire, save the first water of each by it selfe for
? thats the best. Sweeten it with sugar and drinke
3 or 4 spoonfulls of it warme and sweat upon-
it for meagrom drinke three or four spoon
fulls you go to bed, and in the day when you goe
about businesse. /