page 88 – page 89

An Excellent Gargle for a sore throate
Take oake Budds and distell them, Then mixe some of the Water
with Honey Rosett, and being warme gargle often with itt
when you cannot gett the Budds you may take the youngest
Leaues. Adde to this half Plantaine water and a
little Allome
An approved receipt to helpe and prevent fitts of
the Convulsions. Brother: George:
Distill Bugle, and give 3 spoonefulls of the water, with 3 graines
of Bezar stone a weeke or a fortnight togeather
An Electuary to be made of Diambra, which
when mrs Moulin, was left as dead by the
Physitians, who had given her many things &
they helped not. my brother: George: gave her this
Electuary which brought her to herselfe, and
recovered her from fainting and continuall Soundings
and swellings in the Stomake.
Take halfe a pound of Sugar, putt soe much Rosewater as well
to wett itt. Boile it to a Thick Syrup, then putt into it 3 Drams
of the species Diambra, and give it a boile or 2 and then take
it from the fire, stirr it till it be cold. Then putt it vp in a
pott, and give of itt at a tyme soe much as halfe a Nutmeg.
Mr Mayern s Direccions for my brother George: his Boy ffranke.
his fitts of Convulsions and wheeseings
Take halfe a Dram of Rheubarbe slice it thinn then putt it
in a stone Bottle that will hold one pinte, fill it with beere &
stopp it close, Lett it stand 4 Dayes; Then give it the Child and
noe other Drinke, have ready one bottle after another
with the same preparacion of Rheubarbe. This will purge
the body gently and as you find itt worke, soe lett him take
more or Lesse of it. And in this manner you may
prepare for Elder People, doubleing the Quantyty of Rheubarbe
and take it twice a Day, or as you like.
To make Virgins Milke which the Weomen in Italy
vse to make their faces faire, and to helpe Pimples
and Cleanseth the Skynne. It killeth Tetters, cureth
the Itch, and taketh away sunne Burning
Take halfe a pound of the Lytharge of Gold in fine Powder
putt it into a Posnett with somewhat more, then halfe a pinte of
White wine Vinegar, stirre it well togeather then Lett it seeth
a Quarter of an houre, sometymes stirring itt. Then take it off
and Lett it stand till it be settled Very cleane, then putt it into a Glasse
onely the clearest soe keep it.
Take alsoe another cleane Pipkin which is better then a Posnett
putt into itt a good handfull of salt & halfe a pint of runing water
Lett it boile till halfe be consumed continueally stirring itt, Then
Lett itt stand till it be well settled, and powre out the clearest & putt
itt vpp in a Glasse and keepe itt.
When you will vse this water take some of the Lytharge Water
in a spoone, and put to it a little of the Salt water which will
make itt like Creame which is called Virgins Milke. You must
anoynte the place with it and Lett it Drye in.
Approved by a Taylor of Repton to Draw an Earwigg out of the Eare.
Take presently a Dish or pott as soone as you find the Earwigg crept into your
head, and make Water in it, Then lay that side of your head to the Pillow where it
crept in, and into the other side with a spoone as fast as you can powre in the
water to fill vp the Eare, and suddenly you shall find the Earwigg to come
out, The water is to be hott as you make itt putt into the Eare.
To stopp a fflux or Loosenesse, be it never soe great
Take a Pinte of Ale, or milke which is as good, and putt therein 2 good
spoonefulls of pure cleane beaten flower, and Boile them, till
they be reasonable thick, and soe take of it twice or thrice a Day;
if it helpe not in a Day. Soe that you may see a sensible amendment
Then putt into it soe much of a Dead mans scull in Very fine powder
as will lye vpon a groate. But let not the p
ty know to whom You give
itt. My: Lo: