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For Convulsion falling sicknes or
Fitts of the mother.
Take of a mans scull, un buried, one ounce.
miselto of the oke 2 ounces. magistery of corall
2 ounces. roof of single piony one ounce.
root of Elicompane one ounce. make all in to
very fine powder. and give to a childe as
much a will ly on a 3 pence. to a man or woman
as much as will ly on a sixpence, if the deseas
be violent give it euery morning. as long as the
whole quantity last. if not. only at the new
& full of the moon ^3 days giue it in a spoonfull of
Aqua Epilipficae Langii, or in white=wine, or in black chery
or rew, water.

Elder Berry Water
Take a bushell of ripe Elder berrys pick'd from
the stalkes. bruse them & put to them as much
faire water as will cover them. & a quart of
yest, & as much leaven as the bignes of a penny
loafe. breake the leaven small
& stirr it all toget=
her & couer them close & let them worke nine
days stirring them once a day. then still them
in a limbick you may drain off a galon of
it is exelent for the colicke taken when the
payn comes & for the dropsie take first
in the morning 3 spoonfulls for 3 weekes together
or longer if there be occasion
this is better if instead stead of the leuen you put
a pound of more of pouder suger

Sirup of Elders
Take the Elder Berries full ripe, & boyled them in
a pitcher as you doe frute for Clearcakes; take to
euery pint of liquor a pound & halfe of lofe suger
boyle it up just to scume; & it is enough;