folio 150 verso – folio 151 recto

ffor the Apoplexe
Lay Euphorbium to the Nape of the necke or ^to the necke to restore
speech loste or hold lavender water in the mouth or drinke
rosa solis, or saxafrige hold in the mouth
respberrie wine
To a gallon and halfe of respberies take one gallon of water
let it stand 6 howers then stir it vp gentlie let it stand
6 howers more, then streane it through a hare siue,
working the pulp through with your handes, puting
it presently in to a close uessell, and to euery gallan
one pound and halfe of suger, then order it as your goos-
berries for closnes, and when you find it refind draw it ovt
and put one pound and halfe more lofe shuger then
let it stand an houre or two settle and then bottell it
for your vse) ^cloues Golly flowers or cowslipes wine to euery gallond of
spring water take 2l of suger well boyled and skvmed, and
to each gallond 3 full pintes of picked cowslipes, pvt all into a
barle being neare covld worke thes vp with barme stir it 4
dayes once a day space soe let it sand one day to cleare
bottle it vo corke it but not

two close
for 5 or
6 dayes
after; not
for Gillyflo=
wera 5 ounc
es, to the
galland suger 2l
and six
cloues so as
before doe
Capon Ale

Take two large Capons purboiled well, cutt if the leggs mince
them small, and put them in a fine cloath one handfull of
mace, some lemmon pill togeather let there bee a ferkinn
of foure gallons, about some eight shillings beare, and a greate
boong hooke made therein, the bagg hanging therin therein
three dayes and nights, then taken out of the ferkinn, and the
ferk in closed for three daies more, and then bee drawne out
into bottles, and after a daies standing to be drunk of
To recouer or mend a hougsed of sider decayde
put therin a quart of whole wheate; wasede in 3 watres and well dryed some put to ther sider
a quart of mustard that is made with sider at the first,
some pvt in halfe a pvnd of slyced ginger a 2 pound of suger
for the faling sicknes
Take germander gathered in May when tis in blossome
dry it in the shad and make it into powder and when you
will vse it take the yolke of an egg or two stirr it to these
powder seeth it and giue it to the patient to eate, doe
this morninge and evening 7 dayes together, but the
sick must abstaine from wine and women, from
all sorts of pulse, and all sorts of flesh and fish
An approued drinke for the faling sicknes
Take one ounce of polipodium of the oake one ounce of the
the powder of mans skull finely beaten and searced, one
ounce of nutmegs beaten and searced, then take a pottle
of strong Ale, and brue these powders and the Ale
together, and let the Ale stand 12 houres close stoped,
when you begin to drink of it shake it all together
and drinke the quantitie of halfe a pinte, first in the
morning and last at night, fast 2 houres after it in
the morninge, if need require make the like quantities
of a pottle againe and make it, vt supre./. p
batum est
for the faling sicknes
Take young rauens that never fell to the ground fle them,
and gut them, Cutt of the heads and the leggs, dry the bodies
make them into a powder and searce it fine; Pianny rootes
washt and sliced and made into fine powder, the scull of
a man or woman searced into fine powder, ii take of each
of these three powders a thimble full in beere for one
weeke euery morning; The 2d weeke euery other morning; the 3d
weeke euery 3d morning the 4 weeke euery 4th morning the 5 weeke
euery 5th morning, 6 weeke euery 6th morning The 7 weeke euery
7th morning, and soe the same quantitie euery 7th morning for
a whole yeare; for there dyett noe milkmeat without it be a possett
for fleshmeat beefe mutton and porke may be eaten; see they doe
neither eate head nor feete/ P
batum est

d patient

man must

aue a womans

kull; if a
man a