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itt well in the courds, take a pound off currence well
washed & dryed, the yolks off eaightt eggs, halff a-
pound off fine sugar beatten, & a gratted nuttmegg,
mix them all well with the courds, lett your peastt
be ready made to putt them into, & sett them into
the oven as ffastt as you can, when they are allmostt
baked take them outt, & poure on them a spoon-
ffull, or tow off Rose watter, & searce a little ffine
suger on the topp off them, & sett them in to
the oven againe, till they begin to looke
Almond Cream
Take a quartt off cream, & halff a pound off
Almonds, blanch them & beatt them very well
with rose watter, then putt some off the cream
to the Almonds, & straine itt by a little att once,
through a strainer, & still putt in more off the
cream, to the Almonds, till itt bee all vs'd, then
putt the cream in to a skillett, with a little
mace, sett itt on the ffire, & keep itt stirring
all the while, then take itt offe from the ffire,
& take outt the Mease, & putt itt in to the dish;
and lett itt stand till itt is cold.
Sack cream
Take a quartt off cream, and boyle itt with
A good quantety off meas, then putt in six yolkes
off eggs very well beatten, & lett itt boyle upp
then take itt offe ffrom the ffire, & putt in to
itt a little sack ffor to turn itt, then putt itt
in to a cloth & lett the whey draine ffrom itt,
then take itt outt, & season itt with rosewatter
and suger, & break itt very well with a spoon, putt
itt in to a dish, & pinke itt with a knife.
Lemmon Cream
Take to a quartt off cream, three Lemonds
& as much sugar as will make itt sweett, sett
the cream on the ffire & putt in itt a Little cloves,
& meas, & lett itt boyle, then take a ffew embers,
and sett itt, on them, & keep itt stirring till itt
allmostt boyle, then take outt the meas & putt
in the Lemmons.
Snow cream
Take six quartts off cream season itt with Rose-
watter & sugar putt itt in to a pan, & take a whiske
and cutt offe the ends, & shake the whiske, too & ffrow,
in the Pan off cream, till itt rise like snow, then
take offe the snow with a skimer letting the cream
drayne from itt, then putt itt in to a Bason, the