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To make muslin stiff
Take a quarter of a pound of rice well dryde bruise
it well lay it in steep nine days in 3 quarts of watter,
boil it with half an ounce of Double refine suger one
hour, strain it & let it stand 4 days before you use it
To Make Iron mold out of Linnen
Take a Lemon peel it cut out a peice of the Lemon as
big as a walnut put it on the spot tye it up & put it in
a skillet full of boyling water let it boil half an hour
To take spots out of silf silk or stuff
Take one ounce of Turpentine one ounce of oyl of spike
one pound of fullers earth wet up with white vinager
if you put a little powder upon the spot & rub it with
whited brown paper will git it out & I think it the best way
To wash & glaze callico
Take wheat bran and allom lay them in water att night
boyl them & when cold steep the callico in it hang them up on a line
to dry with out the heat of the sun or fire & when dry give them three
cold lavours in soap then hang them on a line to dry as afore
said & when dry take one ounce & half of gun Dragon boyld
in a pint of cold water and when your callico is dry dip
a spunge in the gum water & rub it over on the right side
& when dry Iron it on the wrong side
To wash & put a glass upon silk
Take wheat bran and Bullocks gaul lay them in steep all
night in water boyle it, & when milk warm scour your silk
in it put it on a round stick nine dats to dry & when dry
take an ounce and half of gum Dragon boile it in
a pint of fair water & when cold dip a spunge in it and
rub it on both sides & dry it in a frame if black
silk put in one quart of a pint of stale bear when you boil it
To make Red Ink by Hen'ry Palmer Excise man
Take 4 ounce of Rasped Brazil 2 ounces of Roach
allum 2 penny worth of cochineal to which put 3 pints
of white wine vinager let it simmer or gently boil over
the fire for a quarter of an hour then strain it thro a
fine cloth & bottle it for use
To make Black By Mr Wats
Take 4 ounces gauls bruised not to powder 2 ounces or
less green copporas one ounce gum arabick
all which put into a bottle with a quart of rain or spring
water which shake together for a week then use it stop it close
To keep roses or any flowers all the year
Take them very fresh & in the budd gather them very dry dip them
in the whites of eggs well beaten & presently strew on them
sifted suger and stick them in a sive to dry set them in a
cool place in sand or gravel & with the plullup of your
finger at any time you may strike of the coat & you will
have the flower fresh & fair
some wipe them in gum weted with rose water when
dry dust flour over them those with suger does not
keep so well
page 57
To wash linnen or cotten
to keep their colour
instead of soap take half a pound of rice
boyl it to a pulp use it instead of soap
it cleans & stifens it at the same time
Tooth powder
Bole Almoniac and powdered Bark
of each quarter of an ounce Myrrh and
Cream Tarter of each one drachm
to be made up into Tooth powder
To make Elder Wine
To three quarts of Water put one quart
of Elder Berries put what quantity
of Water and Berries you intend for
Wine into a Copper and let them scald
till they are tender - strain of the liquer
from the Berries through a Hair sieve
squeesing there till they Break then put the
liquor again into the Copper, to every gallon
of liquor add 3 pounds of lisbon Sugar
put some Cloves mace ginger and 2 or
three nutmegs sliced into a peice of Muslin let
it boil half an hour (as the scum rises
take it off) put it into a Tub to Cool
and before it is quite Cold set it
a Working by putting into it a slice
of toasted Bread covered with yeast
Let it work four & twenty hours then
put it into your Cask when it has done
working there put what Brandy you
please into it and stop it up - a pint and
half of Brandy is a good quantity for ten
gallons of Wine,
To make Damson Wine
To every Gallon of Water put 2 pound
and a half of lisben Sugar which
must be Boiled and skummed 3 quar

of an hour and to every gallon put five
pints of Damsons let them boil till
it is of a fine Colour then strain it
through a sieve work it in an open
vessel 3 or 4 Days with a Toast Covered
with yeast then put it of the lee and
let let it work in the cask as long ere it
will then stop it up for six or eight Days
months - then If fine bottle it put into
each quart bottle a small wine glass of good
Brandy it will keep two or thrr years and be
the better for it.