page 42 – page 43

To make=Inke=Verie Good
manicule Take a quart of snow or raine water, and a quart of
Beere vinegre, a pound of galls bruised, halfe a
pound of coperis, and 4 ounces of gum bruised; first
mix your water and vinegre together, and putt itt
into an earthen Iug, then put in the galls, stirring
itt 2. or 3 times a day letting it stand 8 or 9 daies, a
and then put in your coperas and Gumme as you
vse it straine itt. &C=

To make Almond Puddings
Take a pound of the best Almonds, put them in,
water over night, and in the morning they will blanch
when you haue blanched them beat them with a
little rosewater; take alsoe 12 egs, and boile them
hard, and chop them very small; mingle them with
your Almonds, and 6 penny loaues, grated and __
sifted, seuen egs beaten, with three pound of suet,
a little Cynamen, mace, and nutmegs, and as __
much suger as will sweetin itt very sweet, wett it with
as much creame, as will make it not too thinne __
and soe fill them in your gutts, and boile them,
butt Note that a little boiling will serue. /=//=

To Make the cocke water
Take of Burrage, Buglas. 2 handsfull of each, tyme, penny
=royall, Rosemary flowers, one handfull of each, a pound of __
reisins of the sun stoned one pound of currants, halfe a pound
of dates, 2 quarts of sacke, 2 quarts of new milke, and a
cocke well beaten not washed but dried with a cloth, and put
itt into these things whilest itt is warme, and still them,
altogether in an ordinary still, and let the water drop __
into a glasse, with suger candy and leafe gold in itt, well
beaten, together with some magesterium of peatle if __
you please, you must take of this water 4 spoonefulls
before dinner an hower or two, and as much att fower
of the clocke in the Afternoone. //=//=//

A Drinke for the Ricketts
Take two good handsfull of scurvie grasse, 2 handsfull
of water creasis, 2 handsfull of brookelime, one handfull
of Harts tongue, one handfull of lungwort, 2 handsfull of
liuerwort, one handfull of Betony, and one handfull of
egrimony. wash them purely cleane, and swing them well in
a cloth, that there bee noe water in them, and beat
them well in a stone morter, and put thereto a quart of
red cowes milke warme from the cow, then straine them
through a Fine cloth, put it vp into a Bottle, and
let it bee close stopped, and let the child drinke of
itt. Itt must stand in a very coole place. ___