1 recto

X.c.51 (18)
Theise are to lett your ladyshipp: vnderstand, that I cam well to
weston vppon fryday night last before the date hereofe, I
thanke God./ where I founde all well. The mudd beinge
Carried all out before the first glutt of rayne, and all the
rest of the soyle in that Barton; and layed on the vpper
Creffte besides./ which is allmost enough for that Creffte./
my fatt Cattle are all at howse, taken vp the night
I came heather./ The Commons are all ouer with water,
but the meadowes are yett vncouered; Where in the horsses
goe./ The little Coults remayne at yeaddles, and shall
doe all this winter for there is the best hay; and my
Caulfes shall goe to them shortly:/
Doll is as yow left her, but shee shall not want for
lookeinge vnto whilst I ame here./ the others mares
foote is almost well:/
Wheate is here for six shillings and sixe and fowre peence
a busshell. and Barly at 4s: 8d:/: and Beanes .3s .8d: & .4s:
The Beanes that were laied in the greate Barne are all
Thresshed, wantinge. wantinge two dayes worke./
There is not a handfull of any other Grayne Thresshed
as yett./ They are in the middle of wheat sowinge
here,: wee had this last weeke fine frostie weather./
your. ladyshipp: haue at Pengethley. fowre score & two stone
of good woole; and nine stone and halfe a pounde
of lookes; and eight stone of woole more wee tooke
of David Pigge for rent. at twentie fiue shillings
a stone./ I haue taken an exacte accoumpte of
your ladyshipp: sheepe. I will bringe the note with mee when I
cum:/ Thus remembering. my dutie to my lady:
Vanloore and your ladyshipp: with my prayers to God. for your
ladyshipps: healthes I rest:/ your ladyshipp: poore Servant tell. death
Thomas: Crumpton.
from weston
the 6o: Nouember./
my loue to my Ante and
all my fellowes./