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Medicine to Stopp the Laske
Take the Stones of Reasons & beate them to powder
& drinke thereof Or take powder of Red Rose leaues &
drinke it warme in Ale 3 or 4 Tymes or Conserue of
Red Roses is verrie good, or Conserue of Slowes./
Another for the Same
Take Bryar leaues Knot grasse Ribwort Postipostors
Plantan Seede peeles of Pomegarnett & to a quart of
water put a pint of Red wine & make a Broth with
a hen or Mutton with the foresaid things
to stop the Laske & Stanch Blood
Rx the white of a new laid Egge with tow & beate
Altogether & spread it vppon a Cloath a hand
breadth & lay it vnder the Coddes of the Man
vnto his fundament./
to destroy Lice
Take a pennie worth of Sneezing powder & as much
ginger & beate them both to small powder then
take a little sweet Butter & melt it & put in
the afforesaid powders & put in the foresaid powders
& anoint the head therewith & it will destroy the
for a Lethargie which is a desease
by cold flegmaticke humors oppressing
the braine that the partie can doe
nothing but Sleepe & becommeth
altogether in a Manner lacking
his Senses./
Take Galbanum & the shaving of Hartshorne
& put it in the fire & hold the head there ouer &
it helpeth aboue all other Medicines.
to coole Superflous Heates in the Liuer or in
the Stomach & make them moist that be drie
Take Endiffe & stamp it & Straine it through a Cloth
& get forth the Iuice to the quantity of 2 quarts &
sett it on the fire & seeth it & Skum of the Scum
& beeing thus clarified put to it 3 pounds of Sugar
that is Clarified then boyle them together vntill
they be thicke like a Surrop then put it into a glasse
& use it Mornings & Euenings Gather your Endiffe
after May in Iune./