folio 13 verso – folio 14 recto

Another way to stew stakes
Take the great ribbs of a neck of mutton chopp them as under
wash them well and put them in a platter one by another, sett them
on a chafingdish of coles, cover them close and turne them now
and then lett them stew till they be halfe enough, then take
persley time margerone and an onyon chop them small and fine
cast them vppon the stakes, put theirto a sponefull of vineger
thre sponefull of wine a little butter ad lett them till the mutt
ton be tender, cast on a little pepper and if your brothbee bee too
sharpe put in a little suger. serue it vpon Sippitts

To make all maner of puddings
Shred the filletts of A legg of veale as fine as you can rosema=
rie and the yoakes of two hard eggs, Season it with synamon
ginger cloues and mace pepper and salte a little suger a few
currance, then take thre or foure yoakes of eggs to bring
them together. fashion them like peares, Then take the best
of poudred beefe broth halfe as much wine a little marie or
butter a few prunes and lett it seth awhile, and as it setheth
put in your puddings one after another, when they are enough
beat the yoakes of eggs with vergis and suger and serue them
vppon Soppe 

To make fine Aloes
Take the fillet of a hog perboyle it chop it small and season
it with peper salt cloues mace synamon corance and yoaks
of foure eggs, blend them and facion them like peares or
apples, frie them with swete butter and cast crumes of bread
vppon them. Make the sauce with butter vergice synamon
suger and ginger boyled on the the coales

To make a pudding in a chickin skinne .
ffirst scald the chickin skinne. and lett not the water be too
hoate for breaking the skinne, cut the skiine over the shoul=
ders and a little over the cruppon, and so putt it of without
tearing leaveng the pynyons, leggs, and rump to the
skinne, and make your pudding with a little pece of veale
perboyld and shred verie fine, grated bread small rasins
dates minced cloues mace, a little pepper and salt a little

Creame and suger vj eggs and as much sewett as will
fill the skinne sew it vp where it was cut and be sure
the leggs and shoulders be filled, then put it into sething
water and lett it seth softlie the space of two howers
make what broth you will and serue with broth vpon sopps 

To boyle mutton
Sett it over the fyer in fare water when it is scumed
putt theirto halfe a handfull of spynnage asmuch lettuce
a handfull of rasings as many barberies or gooseberies
and thicken it with barme putting therto grosse pepper
and vergis

To make conserue of strawberies
Take a quarte of strawberies pick' them cleane and
wash them, sett them on the fyer till they be softe streine
them and put to them their doble weight in suger two
or thre sponefull of rosewater, lett them seth till the
suger be incorporated with the strawberries, and put
itt in your vessell for the purpose.

The vertue
Conserue of strawberies is good against a hoate
Lyver, or burning, the stoane and especiallie in the
fervent heat of an ague

To make marmalett of damsins or plums
Take damsins or plums when they are rupe boyle
them on the fier with a little fare water till they be
soft, then draw them throe a course boulter as ye
make a tarte sett it on the fyer againe and seth it
on height withsufficient sufficient Suger as you doe your
quinches: dash it with swete water and boxe it
If you will make it of prines, even doe put some apples
Note: to it as you doe to quinches This wise you maie make
marmalett of warden or peares, and medlars
chockars or Strawberies, everie one by it selfe, or
myxe it together, as you think good