Warrants from Sir Christopher Hatton, Lord Chancellor, for payment to Christopher Barker, 1587-1588. [manuscript]

Allowance for Raphe Newberye one of the deputies
of Christofer Barker prynter to the Quenes Maiestie
for proclamacyons bookes paper yncke and other necessaries
delivered by him at severall tymes from the first of August
Anno xxixo Domine Regine Elizabeth vntill the fiftenthe
of December then next ensuynge, into the Crowne office
and to the Lorde Chauncellors vse and otherwise for her
Maiesties service as followeth/
In primis into the Crowne office: 1000. proclamacions }
for golde beinge iio sheetes at ob the sheete } iiiili iiis iiiid
Item more into the Crowne office: 1000. proclamacions }
for the retorninge home of gentlemen to theire dwelling }
houses cont one sheete } xlis viiid
Item for pryntinge of .750. pasportes for soldiers }
by the direccyon of the Lorde Thresurer of England } xxxs
Item .500. proclamacions for Ireland ^touching escheated landes there prynted by direccion }
of the saide Lorde. Thresurer beinge one sheete of paper } xxs xd
Item for paper yncke bookes and other necessaries }
delivered for her Maiesties service to the Lorde: Chauncellors }
vse at severall tymes } vli xiiiis vid
Item for bookes paper and other necessaries delivered }
into the Crowne office at severall tymes } viili ixs viiid
Summa xxiili
Theise shalbe to will and requier you for the Quenes Maiesties
service to content and paye vnto the saide Raphe Newberye for
his chardges and paynes in pryntinge the said proclamacions and
pasportes and for other the promisses the somme of twenty iili
And these presentes shalbe your warraunte and dischardge for the
Christopher: Hatton Cancellarius.
Summa xxiili
Executor per Ro. Watson
To the Clerk of the hanaper or his