1 recto

X.c.51 (5)
I received. a letter. from yow bearinge date the i6o: Ianuarie; and another
bearinge date the 30o: Ianuarie:;/ in the former, my Lady: Vanloore desired
to knowe what the personage of Petherton is worth by the yere; & what
store of Corne he hath:/ I haue inquired after the worth, &
sum tell mee it is worth 400li: by the yere well, & sum say 450li:
I likewise here, there was this yere sum 800: Busshells of wheate;
(by Esteemacion) & i000:)400: busshells of Barly: & 400: busshells of
Beanes: & sum two Roomes of Oeates:/ but ^he sells not his wheate
soe deere as I haue sould by 4d: in the busshell;
I doubt the Mayor of Bridgwater will not suffer my Chapman
to Carrie away my wheat, for it must bee delivered at the key of
Bridgwater, his vessell beinge soe bigge it Cannot shute the
Bridge:/ and if I cannot vent it that. way my lady: may keepe it
this three yere; for it will bee an endles trouble & Charge to
send it all to the marketts; and besides) the markitts will not vente it
God knowes wehen; & nowe the prises of wheate with vs begine
to fall:/ I am to delivered my wheate the 10o: Aprill: I desire your.
lady: to make my Master. acquainted with it; the man liueth in worcester.
that hath bought it, his name is Thomas: Bookes:/
Walter left nine hoggs here; 8o: them where sould before I came,
the other wee founde here full of meazells. & is dead; most of the
mony Phillipe haue received. sithence our cuminge heather,: but for howe
much they were sould for I cannot learne:
here are noe Clothers dwell nere to vs, Ayshe dwelleth; they say) i4:
miles & vpwarde from this place:/
When I haue bought any kinde of Cattle I will send your. ladyshipp: word.
here will bee noe buyinge vntell after Ester:/ if I can meete

with any mare, or Geldinge, to shute the Bay, I will buy;
I had vsed 4: quarters of Barley befor the reciept of your ladyshipp: letter.and doe intend; if it please God) to make that vpp three score busshells
in malte:/ I haue sould but i0: busshells of Beanes as yett.
I can buy a wayne, a Carte, & tacklings of Mistries: Croydon:/
your ladyshipp: shall here by a letter. of mine ere that it belong, what shee
hath lefte here in the howse:/
The heriott was praysed at 3li- i0s./ before I came, but they abuse

my lady: for Godfree) who was the womans hussband; in her sicknis
sould awaye the best yoke of Oxen hee had, for i4li: sum say, or nerevpon, shee beinge then very likely to die:/
I received. never ^a letter. from your. ladyshipp: by this Carrier: that dated the 30o: Ianuary: cam
from Wells: cost: is:
Thus remembringe my dutie & service to my Lady: Vanloore
my Master. & your. ladyshipp: allwayes prayinge for your. health in Christ)
I rest: your poor servant tell deathe/
Thomas: Crumptoni4o: february: 1629:
I desire your. ladyshipp: that the remembrance
of my loue to my Ante, & to all the rest
of my fellowes in the howse, may be expressed:/
key = quay.