page 152 – page 153

15295 Alamode Beef.
Take a Rump of Beef bone it lard it with Bacon and
stuff it with Bacon spinage Bacon & spice, let it stew over the fire
all night, then draw some gravy and stew it up the next day, lard
some pallets and boyle and lay about it, Garnish your dish with
Cockscombs and send it in with the drawn gravy.
96 Iseinglass Ielly
Take half a pound of Iseinglass to a pint of Renish wine, take
2 Lemmons, 2 ounces of double refin'd Sugar a blade of Mace a little
Nutmeg and a grain of Musk and run it to a Ielly gage.
97 Pufs of Ebelon Paist
Take a quart of Cream boyle it & thicken with flour as
you do hasty Pudding pretty thick and after it is cold beat it in a
Morter with half a pound of Butter, and sweeten it to your
tast , add in a little grated sugar, a little Lemon and Nutmeg, put
in a little sack or Orange flower water work it up with 7 or 8
Eggs then fry them with clarrified butter making them no biger
then a spoonfull for a puff.
98 Apricock Pufs.
Put in as
much flower
as will
make em
to fryTake Apricocks when pretty very ripe & pare them and slip
out the stones, then take your Batter made with Cream and as
many Eggs as will thicken it, with Nutmeg & Sugar, then put
your Apricocks into it & take it up with a spoon and fry them
with fine Scam or with Butter cut the apricocks thinn as you do aplells
99 Kidney-bean Pufs.
anne Western
Take a quart of Kidney-beans boyle them till they be
enough, then drain them & beat them in a Morter, and 6 Eggs
the whites of 3, a pint of Cream, a little yeast & a little drawn
Butter, with flour to make it of a convenient thickness
then beat them altogether and fry them. G 1712
anne Weston}
100 Cowslip Wine.
Take a gallon of Water, put into it 2 pound of sugar, boyle the
water and sugar very well together, then put in 3 quarts of
Cowslips, put in 2 Lemmons cut round, let all these stand 24
hours, then strain it into a pan, set it a working with a Taste
spread with yeast, let that stand 10 hours then put it into
bottles or vessell, let it stand 4 days, then draw it off into
clean bottles, and stop them close.
101 Oranges whole preserv'd with the Meat in 'em
{anne Weston
Take six right cievil Oranges well cullour'd, you may
either pare or rasp them, or do them as they grow or slit
them on one side in 4 or 6 places as you fancy, bu so as both
ends may be hole and firme, then put them in cold water
and scald them very tender then take them out and put 'em
in clean cold water and set them by till next day: and if you
intend to do any of them without the meat, then with your fing
or bodkin take out the meat very clean carefully least you
break them, then drain them out of the water (without a sieve)
and melt 3 pound of ordinary loaf sugar in three pints of
clear water , then let it stand till it be cold , then put your Oranges
into it, but be sure your pan or Kettle be of such a proportion
that your Oranges may lie one by one in the bottom and have
but just room enough, for if your pan be to big your sugar
will not cover them, which it must do: then lay some light board
to keep them downe under the sugar. (but it must not be to heavy
for fear of flatting them) then set them by for 2 days, set them
over the fire warm warm them very well, but not boyle them, set
them by till next day, lay them on a sieve to drain, then boyle
your surrup adding half a pound of the same sugar finely beaten
first boyle it till it begin to draw a little between your fingers
then take it off and put in your Oranges then set them upon the fire and
warm them throly shaking them well, but not let them boyle set them by
for 2 days (as your occasions be) cover them as before with your light board then
lay them to drain again and boyle your surrup to a preserving height
then put them in to the sugar & gently heat them (as before) shaking 'em
now & than: If you will have them in Jelly take them from the surrup
& take a dozen of Pippens or more and make a strong decoction, to
every pint of decoction water put a pound of double refin'd sugar
you must be sure to have 3 pints & half of decoction water , and that will
take 24 good pippens at least, then boyle your Ielly a good while till it
be of a Ielly height which find by your spoon, then put in your Oranges
being well drain'd from their surrup they were in before & give
them a warm in the Ielly surrup, then put your Oranges in to Potts and
your Ielly to them whilst they are hott.