2 verso – 1 recto

MS ADD 869
To the right worshipfull.Sir
Edward Powell Baronett
be theis:
wax seal
X.c.51 (30)
Mr. Erburie came vnto me this Eveninge, willinge me to advertise your worship.
towchinge a thinge which may tende to the preiudice of my Ladie Vanlore.
A tenaunte of hers, one Chede a younge man Languishinge of a comsumption,
and not able to prevaile for the takinge of an estate in revercion of his livinge,
which he laboured for at your last beinge here. is now perswaded by somme
of his frindes to marie, that so with his mariage porcion he may doe good
vnto his brethren and sisters. To prevent this Mr Erburie adviseth, that
you would be pleased to deale with Cheade, and to take the revercion to your
selfe. He purposeth to delaie the maryinge of them vntill he shall heare
from you, And if it may please you to bargayne for it, he will vse his best
endeavour to bringe it to as lowe a rate as possibly he can. which as I finde
by him, wilbe betweene 30. or 40li:/ Certaine of the Iustices; of peace weare
yesterdaie at Bridgewater to inquire by vertue of lettres from the councell
concerninge the hoardinge vp of the last yeeres corne, & not sending the same
to the Markette, and towching secrete transportacion of corne this last
yeere. What good may come hereby, experience teacheth. Wheate is dearer
now then it hath beene of late, and the price of Beanes riseth, but Barley
is at a stande. wee haue a great deale of course Barlie. So praying
vnto th'almightie evermore to haue your worship. in his gratiows protection, and
remembring my thankefulnes for your many favours. I take leave & rest
Your worships. humble servaunte
Io: Beale.
Weston. 25o.
November. 1631