folio 4 verso – folio 5 recto

*for a horse that is cloied or pricked
with a nayle
Take out the nayle, and when his foote is well
made cleane, mak a little hole even vnto the
quicke fleshe, where the nayle touched, then fill it vp
agayne with Rosen: and with a hotte yron melte some
pitche vpon it: This doen, laye some Cotton vpon
it, showe him well, and then feare not to ryde him
after where you will 

*for a horse that cann cannot
Geve him to Drinke hote water, that is more then
lucke warme, and he sheall stale.
*to take awaye red rubies that grow
in the face by reason of the heate of
the liuer
Take hogges suet well purified, & brimstone as much
of the one as of the other with a water Distilled of a
Peche tree, and serue, and incorporate all together
with a slowe fier, and make ther of an ointement where
with you shall anointe your selfe Diuers times, &
they will go a waye.

* for one that can take nothinge at the
month, or els to make him goe to the stoole
and to sweate well
first the pacient must be rubbed with hot linen clothes,
from the heade to the foote, & must be very warme kept in
his bed, then geue him this ointement followinge.
Take as muche pepper as will lye vpon a grote, &
put it into halfe a glasse full of vinaigre & oyle,
as as muche of the one as of the other, and let it be very
warme, and anoint all his bodye ouer with it, & let him be
well couered in his bedde : and then shall he sweatte, &
go well to the stoole.

*To make very good blacke
Take a pound and a halfe of raine water, with iij
vnces of the waightiest Galles yow can finde, bruse
them into small peeces, and poure them into the sayed
water, & let it stande tow dayes in the sunne. Then
put to it tow vnces of Romayne vitriolle well colored
& beaten smale, & mixe all ^well together with a sticke of
a figge tree & leaue it agayne tow dayes more in the
sunne. finallely put to it an vnce gumme Arabicke,
that is cleane, & bright, and beaten into powder, and
an vnce of the pill of Pomigranades, and then boile it
a little with a slowe fier: that done strayne it, & keepe
it in a vessel of leade or glasse, & it will be very blacke
& perfite goode.