folio 58 verso – folio 59 recto

and put the sauce over them
squase in the juce of an orange
over them

To Pickle Wallnuts
first prick them through & through
& lay them in pump water with
a handful of salt for nine days
shifting them Every Day with
fresh pump water & salt put
tye them in a Cullender & drain
them & put them over the fire in
water that Covers them & put a Cloth
down upon the Nutts to Keep in
the steam & lett them iust boyle
then take them of the fire & wipe
them very dry: & lett them be
quite Cold before you put the
pickle to them then lay a ll
Laying of wallnutts & a laying
of Mustard Seed & a clove of Garlick
with a little peper between each
now with Bay leaves turn over leaf