page 43 – page 44

43To boyle young tame Ducks
Boyl your Ducks in as little water as you can boyle two or three cutt onions
with them when the Ducks are enough thicken some of that Liquor with
white Bread and put in with Salt pepper and put in a little butter.
Sauce for the boyld duck
Boyle some sliced bread in as much water as will make it thick when it
Iust boyles put in a little butter Lemon, and Salt and serve it up.
A Gargile
Sage Plantine Woodbind leaves sinkfoil of each a handfull boyl them
togeather in a pott of runing water and 5 spoonfull of Vinegar as much
burnt Allom as a wallnut 3 spoonfulls of Honey boyl them togeather untill
half be consumed then strain it and use it
For the Itch
Take 3 spoonfulls of flower of brimstone for 3 mornings togeather
m mixt well with new milk drink a poringer full 3 mornings then take 2 or
3 peniworth of flower of brimstone one peniworth of sweet sope and a pretty
quantity of fresh butter melt all these in an Earthen pott or pewter & anoynt the
body all over 3 nights togeather before a good fire a so go to bed and keeping
the shift on a forthnight and the cure allways follows.
How to Pickle Raddish seeds peas or Artichokes
Take 2 ounces of Pepper grosly beaten: half an ounce of mace Bruisid
one ounce of carraway seeds rubd in a cloth: or a litle bruised in a morter Salt to
season it Dill seeds rubd in a cloth before they be ripe you must lare of them at
the bottom & then the raddish seed scaled to take away the rawness of them the
water having been drained from them through a sive all night then lay a
lare of raddishes and a lare of sesoning and press it with Glass or Lead white
wine vinegar verry pure else it will musty if it do it must be taken away if
the Liquor waste it must be renewed with Vinegar the raddash seeds must not
be old but such as will easily break in two: The Artichokes as big as a Henns
Egg the peas as soon as the blossoms are of: the peas and Artichokes will
be quickly boyld the raddish seeds must have a boyle.
To make Sugar Cakes
Take a pound of sweet Butter melt it put in 6 spoonfulls of rosewater
one pound and 1/2 of sugar beaton and searced the yolks of 6 Eggs knead this
with as much fine flowor as will make a fitt paste when it is kneaded make
it into Balls and put it betwen 2 trenchers and Cut it with a glass and lay
them on pye plates and set them in the oven prick them and bake them
pale if you please you may steep a little musk in the rosewater overnight
Coller'd Beef
Take the flank peece of beef and lay it in pump water 3 dayes shift it
twice a day then take it out and let it drean one night then throw salt upon it
and clap it togeather then take sage and parceley and pottmarjorum and
chopp them verry small then take pepper and salt and mace and Cloves and
season it then rowl it up verry close and set it into the oven 4 howers and
when you take it out unwrap it and rowl it as hard as you can.
Cherry Wine
Take your right English cherry and crush them betwixt your fingers as you
pull them from the stalks and let them stand allnight in an earthen vessell
the next morning strain them and to every Gallon of this Liquor put a quarter
of a pound of Sugar let it stand a month in a close vessel well stopped in a
coole place then bottel it and put a lump of sugar in every bottle.
Chiney Ale
To as much ale as you can make of a bushell of malt put 3 ounces of chiney bru=
=ised and half a pound of Dates boyle them in the Liquor and when you tunn it
into the barrel put in a pound of rasons of the Sun stoned and let it stand
12 days or A fortnight and then bottle it.
To Roste A Hare
Take a good deal of sweet hearbs and shred them small and half a pound
of butter wrap the butter in the hearbs and put into the belly of the hare
rost it then melt some butter with the Iuce of oringes or white wine and
the hearbs in the hars belly and serve it up.
for wax work
Marrow colloured Lake put into white wax for A Morroe collour
Blew verditur in white wax.
Roset put into white wax for peach collour: a powder 2dp

Gambuge - for A Lemon collour
Red lead into yellow wax for oringe collour
Lamp Black in white wax for A prune collour
orum Pigmentum 1d℥ in white wax for straw collour
or gall in white wax for hopp collour a bunch hopps
Verdigreas yellow wax A Green
Ingoc root 2d a stick not beaten but stirr the wax as it melts with it a flesh collour
Scutchinele with Allam in white for a purple or Morrot
Vermillion in white wax A scarlet
Brasill powder in Allom and water for A pale purple
venus turpintine a little put into the wax as it melts to keep them from breaking