14 verso – 15 recto

soap is made of ashes. made into
a Lixiuium, and oil boild up to
a Consistencie:
Lapis Infernalis is made of the
Lixiuium of black, with Apo=
thecaries lead for to the soap=
boilers and so make itt or boil
itt in any earthen uessel to
a Consistencie:
for a Cold:
ol. amygd. d. ℥is,
diacod. tabell. ʒvs
ol. anis. chym. gt. ii,
cujus sumat 3iam partem
pro vna vice:
pillulæ e duobus dissolvd in
a Clyster work toughly:
for the griping of the guts,
take savum ouinum and boil itt
in fountaine water, and giue itt
to swallow itt does much good:
for the wind:
Oil of sweet Almonds and
some 6 or 8 drops of chy=
mical oil of Iuniper. Berries
this is vsually giuen to windie
bodies with good succes:


The way to apply a Causti

is to take the Lapis and lay itt vp
pon a bit of plaister. as diapal
ma or the like and itt will eat
itts way:
Arnaldus de Villa nova, Maje=
rus and faber, haue indeavoured
to reconcile chymistrie and Ga=
I pervsed the 4to. which. Elias Ash=
mole put out concerning En=
glish chymists most of them Monks
itt is in Metre:
There is on Nortons Ordinal, char
nock, Kelly, Riply, and many
others, Riply was a Monk of Brid
lington in Yorkshire: they haue
all something of the grand Elixir:
the Theatrum chymicum in Latine is
worth 20s. I saw that allso:
Leland traueld 6 yeers in sear=
ching the Libraries in English Mo=
nasteries, besides liberal Incour
agement which. hee had from Henry
the 8th. to that purpose:
One De Claue hath added 2 more
principles to Chymistrie; phlegma
and terra:
I saw the Armorie in the Tower ffeb. 24:
the warders are 40 their pay is 21
pound a man per annum: