page 54

54 A medicine for the Flux

Take a quart of spring water and the inner rynd of ane oak and boyle the quart till it
comes to a pint, Then take the Bark out, Then boyle halfe ane spoonfull of wheat
flower and as much dead mans scull made into powder as much as yow can
putt upon a six pence mingle these togither and lett them have ane hour boyling
then lett the sick man drink it luke warme

A medicine for the Bloody Flux

Take a good bigg apple and att the top of it pick forth all the Core as lean as yow
can and fill the place againe with a little peice of honey Comb the honey being
Clean strained out Then rost the apple in Embers, Then the patient must eate it
warme and all this will stop the flux Immediatly probatum est

For a scowring

Take the blood of a hair hott and drink it and when you use it putt some of it in
beer and drink it three mornings togither

A glister for a Bloody Flux

Take a good handfull of dryed red rose leaves boyle them in a quart of milk till it
comes to a pint then take it off the fire and straine out the leaves then beat on yolk
of ane egg and when it is cold enough mingle it and so give it to the patient