folio 33 verso – folio 34 recto

To Pickle Purslane or Littice stalks
First pick your Leaves off then boyle your
stalks preetty Tender in water & salt poure
thatt from them & when they are Cold
putt them into A pott with some venigar
& salt Cover them Close & you may Keep them
all yeare Round

To Boyle A Capon & Mary bones
Take a Capon & mary bones & what you will
as Livers Gizards & pinions & boyle all well
together in a pot against they are boyled
have Ready your sawce which must be one
pound of sweett Butter with some sugar to
your Likeing & the youlks of Tenn eggs
Boyled hard mince them very small with
with some parsley & Lemon peale a Little mustard
when itt is Ready putt itt vpon them &
serve itt vp to the Table

To Make Cracknells
Take flower putt therein a Little water & salt
Rubb itt together then seeth as much Butter as
will make itt fitt paste to Cleare the Butter
itt must be scummed & a pretty quantity of
mace & a Little Ginger & pepper beate fine
being putt in the flower & 10 Eggs you must putt into
one Gallon of flower then Knead itt well together &
make itt vp when they are made vp you must
putt them into A Kittle of water seething till
they will nott hang to your fingers then take
Them vp & Dip them in A Buckett of Cold
water & they are very well Colloured

To Preserve Rasberries
To oneli of Rasberries take oneli of fine Loafe
sugar well beaten: first Cover the Bottome of
your skillett with sugar & Lay them in one by one
then Cover them with sugar & so till they are
all Layd then take one pinte of green & good
Rasberries & slite them & take one pinte of
of water & boyle them to mash then straine
the iuce of itt Through A Ielly Bagg vpon
The Rasberries & sugar till they are all well
wetted then sett the skillett on the fire shak
itt often round till the sugar be melted then
boyle them well & take them off the fire
& scumm them with paper then strow
on them one handfull of sugar Cover them