page 72 – page 73

Mr Gaskins Cordiall powder X
Take the Raggs of pearle or seed pearle of red Corall
of Crabbs Eyes of harts horne of white Amber of each a like quantity
beate them all severally into fine powder and scearse them
very fine then take as much of the Toes of the Crabbs Clawes
as of all the rest of the other five powders beate and scearse them
as you did the rest of the powders then weighe them all severally
and take as much of the tips or Toes as of all the rest of the five
powders and mix them togeather and make it vp into balls with
some Ielly of harts Horne wherein you must infuse some
safferne more or less as you desire to haue it coullerd soe let
them lye vntill they bee dry and fully decocted and vse them as you
haue occasion: take the Crabbs Eyes and Toes either in the Month
of may or september and if you can before they are boyled; this
powder finely shaven or scraped with a knife may bee taken
in a spoonfull of Dragon water or Cardus water tenn graines
at a time washing it Downe with one spoonfull of the same water
to a young child two graines is sufficient
The Virtues it is good to prevent the small pox and put
forth the Disease; It recovereth those that bee fallen into
a Consumption if dayly taken a good time; It is in Excellent in
burning and violent feavors and against all sorts of poyson;
It serueth to master and Extirpate the plague nothing matching or
Equalling it; It helpeth Qvoditian Tertian or double Tertian
Agues for quarterne Agues it comforteth the spiritts and mitigates
fitts and for other Agues it is equall to any animalls or Vegetables
whatsoever it is most excellent for trembling and passion
of the heart; It preserveth from all diseases and keepeth in
health and Vigor and worketh without any Violence to nature

Docter Burgeshis Remedy aginst the Plague
Take three pints of Malmsey boile therein one handfull
of sage and one handfull of rew Rue vntill a pint be
wasted then straine it and set it over the fire againe and
put thereto one penyworth of long peper halfe an ounce
of ginger and a quarter of an ounce of nutmegs all
beaten togeather and let it then boile a litle then put to it
one penyworth of methridate two penyworth of Treacle and
a quarter of a pint of good Aquavite or hot Angellico
water (that being better) keepe this as your life aboue all
worldly treasure in a time of infetion; Take it always
warme morning and Evening one spoonfull at a time
if you thinke you are infected (and swett there vpon) if
not once a day is sufficient all the Plague time
vnder God trust to it for certaine it neaver deceiued
man woman or child being taken before the hert
bee vtterly mortifyed with the disease this is not
onely good for the comon Plague called the sickness
but alsoe for the small pox meassells surfetts and
divers other Diseases:
In the preserveing of Oringes Cittern or Lemone
some put weight and halfe of suger and to every
pound of suger three quarts of Water which may
doe very well: