folio 12 verso – folio 13 recto

are to be gathered in Agt August when they y are
about as big as Larg nittmags tak them & put
them in a brass pott with some faire water &
an ounce of raoch allum stiffle them for an
houre & a halfe and if they doe looke
very green stiffle them a little Longer
when they are grew take them of lay them
on by on to Coole then make the pickle of
viniger as much as will Coover them with
sallet Cloues and mace & whoole mace &
as much salt as will giue them a good relish
let it boyle uery well take it of & let it
be through Coulde & when it is Coole put
your battalians in a pot & poure your pickle
to them and put a nub or 2 of roach allum in
the pott & ty them downe Cloose & keep them
in a Could seller for youre use/

23 To Potch Egs and Moone shine
Take a Quarter of a pound of Curens pickt
& washed Cleane & a quarter of a pint of
whit wine & a Little Slice of nutmage
& a little oreng peele Iust as much as
will giue it a rellish sett it ouer the fire
to boyle & if you see it want any more Liquor
you must ad more whit wine it must boyle
till the Currans are uery plump then put in
good store of butter after you take it of the
fire stire it till the butter be melted then
pocth youre egs uery white & hansome & Lay
them on sippits first wet youre sippits in whit
wine: then poure the same on them serue it to the
24 To: M; Dress Trouts
You must gut them and give them 2