page 8

The Copperas watter for the Eyes
Take as much as A Large nuttmeg of white
Copperas and pound it and put into A
quart of spring watter, so Lett it disolue
24 hours, stop it vp Close and kepe it for
your vse, tis good for aney hott Rumes: in
the eye drop it into the eye, and for
A perle you must pound white sugar
Candy and serce it very fine as flower,
and so blow it thro a quill into the
Eye 2 or 3 times A day

The powder of hawthorns or hagles
Burys is good for the Stone, allso is sampier

A Posett for the stone or Chollick
Turn A posett with white wine and boyle
in it, of parsley Roots, and fennill Roots: Each
A handfull, taking out the peth of them
allso A handfull of pillitory of the wall,
and A handfull of philipendella, and
half A pound of Reasons of the sun stoned,
and some broad figs,