folio 104 verso – page 105 [i.e. folio 105 recto]

Marking Inke
Take Nitrate of Silver 2 drams,
Sap green 10 grains,
Mucilage of Gum arabic half an ounce
Water 10 drams - mix them together.
N.B. Some People add a lump or two of fine
loaf sugar to the above.
The Preparation Liquid.
Prepared Soda one ounce, Water 2 ounces
mixed together.- Mrs F. P-'sith
Another Way
2 pennyworth of Sap-green & 4d or 6d of lunar
caustic put into about half a tea-cupful
of Water & set within the air of the fire 'till
dissolved then put into a Bottle and shook
up occasionally it improves by keeping
If the writing appear rather green after
having been exposed to the Sun & air
the Inke is short of a little caustic in
proportion to the sap-green.
Miss N.E-