folio 3 verso – folio 4 recto

*Agaynst defnes and hardenes
of hearinge
Take an Oxe gall, and the pyse of a he Gote:
Mixe all together, and put of inte the Defe eare &
incontinent he shall be healed.

*Agaynst the payne of of the eares, Defnes, durt,
or filthe, wormes, or not water that is in them.
Take the iuyce of onyons, & mingle it with honney, &
than Droppe it into the eares, & it will cleare & heale
* for to stenche bleedynge at
the nose
Take very stronge vinaigre , and powre of it into
the eare of that syde that he bleedeth, and if he
bleede of both sydes put vinaigre into bothe his
eares, and it shall stenche it.

*Agaynst the Dymnesse or Daselynge
of the sight
Take salte Armoniacke burned and well brayed: &
mixe it with the pisse of a yonge childe, & therwith annoynt
often tymes your eyes, and laye of it vpon them,
& it will take awaye the daselynge.

* Agaynst the webbe or spottes in
the eye
Take the gall of a whyte cocke, and braye it with
water, & laye it to your eyes, or put some in your eyes,
& it will take awaye the webb webbe or spotte, and will
consume the Droppes of bloode that ar in the eyes,
and strengthen the sight.

*for to make heares growe
Ye shall take a hedgehogge, and burne it all to
coales, & put the pouder or ashes made fine & small,
with Boares grease: and laye this oyntment ouer all
the heade of a balde man, and it will make his
heare growe as fayre as euer it was.

*for to kill lyce
Take the whaye that remayneth of cheese making
and put to it a little vinaigre, and Drinke of it
certayne Dayes : and all the lyce will Dye, and ther
will breede no more aboute yow.

*A remedye to stenche the bleedinge
at the nose
Take of the best vinagre yow can get, Plantayne
water of eche tow pounde, wet certayne lynnen cloathes
in it, and laye them to the soules of his foote, and
palmes of his handes, and agaynst the liuer, and the
bloode shall forthwith stente.